Truth or Dare must be considered one of the best get together video games ever created, but it’s additionally an unimaginable icebreaker to assist groups bond over shared silliness. Project
Minerva Distributed Search
Minerva Project
Minimal Compact
Minimally Invasive Education
Minimal negation operator
Minimal Negation Operator
Minipreneurs – Resources
Ministry of Digital Infrastructure NL
Mintzalagun eta Mintzanet/eu
Minutes 10/16/2011
Miquel Ballester Salva on Fairphones with Open Supply Chains
Mira Luna on the Solidarity Economy
Miriam Kennet
Miriam Meckel on Drivers of Online Trust
Mirko Lorenz on Open Data within the Newsroom
Mirror Neurons
Mirror Party Project
Misha Angrist on the personal Genome Project
Mission 4636
Missionary Church of Kopimism
Mission critical performance
Mission Critical Functionality
Mission Enterprise Model
Mission Markets
Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment
Misunderstanding the Internet
Mitch Altman on Hackerspaces
Mitch Altman on the Hackerspace Movement
Mitch Altman on the Maker Movement Philosophy
Mitch Altman on What’s a Hacker
Mitch Downey
Mitchell Szczepanczyk on Network Neutrality and the tip of the Blogosphere
Mitchell Tseng on Shanzai and Open Manufacturing
Mitch Joel on Online Identity Management
Mitch Kapor on Distruptive Virtual Worlds
Mitch Kapor on the Vision and Values at Wikipedia
Mitch Resnick on the Role of constructing and Tinkering in Next-Generation Learning
Mitigating Anticommons Harms to Science and Technology Research
Mitigating Music Piracy by Cutting Out the Record Companies
MIT on Collective Intelligence
Mixed Ink
Mixed Media RSS
Mizzima Tv
MJ Ray on the Free Software Coop Experience in the UK
M-KOPA Solar – Kenya
– Mobcasting
Mobile 2.Zero
Mobile Active Conference
Mobile Active
Mobile Activism
Mobile Ad-Hoc Network MANET
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Mobile Communication and Society
Mobile Crisis Mapping
Mobile Distributed Networked Art and Culture Events
Mobile Giving
Mobile Linux Phones
Mobile Media in 21st Century Politics
Mobile Node
Cell phone Activism in South Africa
Cell phones and Development
Cellphones and the Karachi Barbers
Mobile phones in Advocacy
Cellphones in Electoral and Voter Registration Campaigns
Cell phones, Mobile Minds
Mobile Processing
Mobile Public Space
Mobile Social Software
Mobile Tactics for Participants in Peaceful Assemblies
Mobile Virtual Network Operator
Mobile VoIP
Mobilizing Digital Labour as an Audience Commodity
Mobilizing Generation 2.Zero
Modal Aesthetics Project
Modalities of Sharing
Mod Ecology
Model Community Bill of Rights Template for Occupy Communities
Modelling the Demands of Interdisciplinarity
Model of a Mature Open Source Project
Model of Hierarchical Complexity
Modelos Sostenibilidad
Models de sostenibilitat en la era digital
Models for Sustainable Open Educational Resources
Models of Internet Governance
Models of Public Sector Information via Trading Funds
Models of Software Development
Mode of Production of Intellectual Commons
Mode Of Production Shootout
Mode Of Production
Moderated Collaboration
Moderation Models
Modernism Post-modernism Transmodernism
Modernity as a Land Crisis
Modern Monetary Theory
Modern Poland Foundation
Modes of Foreign Relations and Political Economy
Modified Mutual Housing Association
Modular Building Systems
Modular Company, Open Capital, Venture Communism
Modular Company
Modular Design
Modular Innovation
Modularity in Open Source
Modularity in Science
Modular P2P Architecture
Modular System
Mogelijkheden en keerzijden van de digitale muziekindustrie
Moglen, Eben
Mohammad Yunus on Microfinance
MO Interview met Michel Bauwens
Moleque de Ideias – BR
Moleque de Ideias
Molly Myerson on Local Food Mapping
Molly Scott-Cato
Moment of the Commons is Now
Monasteries of the long run
Mondo Net
Mondragon Empresa Abierta Open Business Models Research
Mondragon Experiment
Mondragon Team Academy
Mondragon Worker Cooperatives
Monetary and Fiscal Policies for a Finite Planet
Monetary Governance in a World of Regional Currencies
Monetary Reform for the data Age
Monetary Reform – Making it Happen
Monetary Reform
Monetary Regionalisation and the 4th Regiogeld Summit
Monetary Relativism
Monetary Repression
Monetary Scarcity
Monetary Sufficiency – Non-scarcity based mostly monetary techniques
Monetary Sufficiency
Monetary Theory
Monetary Transformation, not Monetary Reform, is What is needed
Money and Liberation
Money and Life
Money and Magic
Money and Peer Production
Money and Slavery
Money and Sustainability
Money and the Crisis of Civilization
Money as a Commons
Money as Debt
Money As Debt
Money as Energy
Money Commons
Money Fix
Money for a Gift Economy
Money for Nothing
Money – History
Money in a Unequal World
Money is not a Thing, but a Relation
Money shouldn’t be the only Value Measurement System
Money Issuance
Moneyless Man
Money, Markets, Value and the Commons
Money Network Alliance
Money Pooling
Money Ruins Everything
Money Should not be a Commodity, however a Measure of Value
Money, the Self, and Negative Interest Money
Mongolian version
Monica Horten
Monique White and Nick Espinosa on the Occupy Homes Movement
Monitory Democracy
Monochronic vs Polychronic Time
Monterey Institute for Social Architecture
MOOC Aggregator
MOOC Certificates
Mooney, Pat
Moral Economy
Morality of Moneylending
Moral Molecule
Moral Origins
More Citations about Peer to Peer Learning
More Citations on P2P Economics
More Perfect
Morgan Gillis on Mobile Linux
Morgan Langille on the BioTorrents Project
Moritz Renner on Societal Constitutionalism and the global Economy
Morozov, Evgeny
Morphogenetic Society
Morten Hansen on Collaboration
Moseu Matriarchal Society and Walking Marriage
Moshav Shitufi Model
Most Important P2P Projects of 2013
Most Important P2P-Related Projects and Trends of 2013
Motivational Approaches for Crowdsourcing
Motivation for the Conference
Motivation for the Contact Summit
Motivation, Governance, and the Viability of Hybrid Forms in Open Source Software Development
Motivation in FOSS Software Developers
Motivation of Open Source Software Developers
Motivations for Participating in Open Source Projects
Motivation to hitch Peer Production Communities
Mountain Biking
Mount Pleasant Solar Cooperative
Move Commons
Move Digital
Movement Against Water Privatization in Naples
Movement of Mortgage Victims
Movement of the Unified Voice
Movements of the Squares – Governance
Move On
Move to Amend
Moving Beyond Gene Patents
Moving from a Sharing Economy to a Solidarity Economy
Moving from Binary to Ternary Thinking
Moving from free software program to free manufacturing: what we need
Moving from the National Interest to the worldwide Interest
Moving Image Archive
Movisi Open Design Furniture
Mowatt, Jeff
Mozilla Corporation
Mozilla Drumbeat
Mozilla Foundation
Mozilla Identity
Mozilla Manifesto
Mozilla Open Badge Infrastructure
Mozilla Org
Mozilla Persona
Mozilla Science Lab
Mozilla Translathon/es
MP3 Players
MT Connect
Muhammad Yunus on Building Social Businesses
Muhammad Yunus on Social Business and For Benefit Corporations
Muhammad Yunus on the Concept of the Social Business
Muhammad Yunus
Mujeres Imperfectas/es
Multi Dimensional Science
Multi-Dimensional Science
Multi-Faith Reciprocity Ethic
Multigrade operator
Multigrade Operator
Multilateralism 2.0
Multilateralism and Global Risks
Multi-Lectic Anatomy
Multi-native Societies
Multi-Local Societies
Multi-native Society
Multi-National Decision-Support Centres
Multipeer Connectivity Framework
Multi-players Games and Non-gaming Metaverses are Fundamentally Different
Multiple-Purpose Production Technology
Multiplicative Abundance
Multipurpose Machines
Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism
Multi-Stakeholder Co-operative Movement
Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives Manual
Multi-Stakeholder Co-ops
Multi-Stakeholder Co-op
Multi-Stakeholder Governance and the Internet Governance Forum
Multistakeholder Governance
Multistakeholder Internet Dialogue
Multi-Stakeholder Networks
Multistakeholder Voting for Companies
Multitude et Metropole
Multitude Project
Multi-Use Design
Munduko arrosak/arroces del mundo/es
Municipal Agriculture
Municipal Buy-Back of Power Grid
Municipal Enterprises
Municipally Owned
Municipal Microgrids
Municipal Open Data Movement
Municipal Service Project
Municipal WiFi Networks Explained
Municipal Wireless Broadband Projects
Munnecke, Tom
Mur Lafferty on the Open Media Movement
Murphy, Tim
Murray Bookchin on the Necessity for Post-Scarcity Anarchism in opposition to Ecological Destruction
Murray-Rust, Peter
Museo Virtual de los Telefonistas/es
Museum 2.0
Museum as Commons
Music 2.Zero Directory
Music 2.0 First Monday Podcasts
Music 2.Zero
Music Brainz
Music Commons
Music Discovery Systems
Music for Occupy
Music For Occupy
Music Genome Project
Music Infrastructure Commons
Music IP
Music Performance Trust Fund
Music Piracy and the Remaking of American Copyright within the Twentieth Century
Music Recommendation
Music, Technology, and the Rise of Configurable Culture
Mute Public Library
Mutual Aid and Civil Society
Mutual Aid Network
Mutual Aid Societies
Mutual Aid Street Medics
Mutual Aid
Mutual and Cooperative Solutions for the Self-Employed
Mutual Banking Clearinghouse
Mutual Benefit Society
Mutual Building Societies
Mutual Coordination of Production
Mutual Credit Clearing System
Mutual Credit
Mutual Development
Mutual for the Self-Employed for Underpinning Local Economies Across Britain
Mutual for the Self-Employed
Mutual Guarantee Societies and Guarantee Funds
Mutual Guarantee Societies
Mutual Home Ownership
Mutual Instructrion
Mutualism as Policy
Mutuality 2.0
Mutualized Funding Schemes
Mutualized Mortgages
Mutually Assured Production
Mutual Marketing
Mutual Recognition
My Arms Wide Open Community Business Model
My Farm
My Home Life
Myles Braithwaite on Unconferencing Public Policy
My Local Cooperative
My Mobile Web
My Second Life
My Society – UK
MySpace Campaign Case Studies
MySpace Data Availability
MySpace Urbanism
My Support Broker
Myth of Barter
Myth of Leadership
Myth of Property
Myth of the Rational Market
Myths and Realities about Effective Civil Society Participation
Myths and Realities of Social Media at Work
Myth Tv
My Tiny Life
Nahrada, Franz
Naked Conversations
Names in Post-Scarcity
Name Space
Nancy Cassidy on the Cooperative Model
Nancy Roof
Nancy White on Communities, Networks and What Sits in Between
Nanotechnology and Global Equality
Nanotechnology and Global Sustainability
Naomi Klein on the Context for OccupyWallStreet
Narahari Rao
Narrative on Discovering the Peer Trust Network System
Narya Project
NASA Clickworkers
Natalie Kuldell and Reshma Shetty on Do-It-Yourself Biology
Natalie Pang on Access Issues and the Digital Commons
Natalie Pang
Nate Hagens on Peak Oil and Debt
Nathan Cravens
Nathaniel Tkacz
Nathan Letwory on Blender
Nathan Seidel
Nathan Seidle on How Open Hardware will Take Over the World
Nathan W. Cravens
Nathan Wilson Cravens
National Accounts of Well-being
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing
National Center for Open Source and Education
National Center for Rapid Technologies
National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
National Community Land Trust Network – U.S.A
National Council of Ayllus and Markas of Qullasuyu
National Crowdfunding Association – USA
National Equitable and Solidarity System of Trade – Brazil
National Information Exchange Model
National Public Internet
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
NATO Global Commons Initiative
NATO Global Commons Project
Natural Architecture
Natural Capital Institute
Natural Capitalism
Natural Demurrage
Natural Economic Order
Natural Enterprise
Natural Justice
Natural Rights
Nature and Roles of Policies and Rules in Wikipedia
Nature as a Commons
Nature as Commons versus Commodities
Nature Digital Workshop
Nature for sale
Nature Institute
Nature of Capitalism within the Age of the Digital
Nature of the State after the Meltdown of Neoliberalism
Navdanya Trust
Nea Guinea Collective – Greece
Nea Guinea Collective
Neal Gorenflo on the Sharing Economy
Neal Gorenflo on Why Nobody Will Buy Tourism in the future
Neal Gorenflo
Near Future Design
Near Future Education Lab
Ned Rossiter
Need-Based Allocation of Labor
Needed Improvements for Bitcoin
Needs Sharing
Nefario on the global Bitcoin Stock Exchange and Bitdrop
Negative Effects of the Patent System
Negative Income Tax
Negative Reciprocity in the Sharing Economy
Negativland Mark Hosler on Copyright
Neglected Disease Licensing
Negotiated Coordination
Neighborhood Commons
Neighborhood Fabrication Shops
Neighborhood Fruit
Neighborhood within the Internet
Neighborhood Mini-Grid
Neighborhood Renting and Loan Systems
Neighborhood Revitalization Program – Minneapolis
Neighborhood Sharing Sites
Neighborhood Vegetables
Neighbourhood Sharing
Neil Gaiman on Copyright Piracy and the online
Neil Gershenfeld on Fab Labs
Neil Gershenfeld on Personal Fabrication
Neil Gershenfeld on Personal Fabricators
Neil Gershenfeld on Personal Manufacturing and Markets of one
Neil Gershenfeld on the Fablab Movement
Neil Gershenfeld on the necessity for a brand new digital maker literacy
Neil Howe on the Fourth Turning
Nelson, Ted
Neo-Anarchist Consensus Approach
Neoclassical Economics
Neo FreeRunner
NeoGeography and Web 2.0
Neo in Wonderland
Neoliberal Governance
Neoliberal State
Neo-subsistence Movement
Neo-Traditional Communities
Neotraditional Economics
Neo-Venetianist Networks
Nerd Tv
Neri Oxman on 3D Printed Buildings
Nessuno Tv
Nesta 2009 Open Innovation and Intellectual Property Conference Videos
Netarchical Capitalism
Net Art and Pro-Commons Activism
Net as Artwork
NetAudio 2006
Net Balance Foundation
Net Balance
NetBSD Project
Netcentric Management
Net Delusion
Net Device
Net Dialogue
Net Energy Factor
Net Energy Limits and the Fate of Industrial Society
Netexplorateur Observatory
Net Gains
Net Granny
Netlables and Open Content
Net Metering
Net Neutral ISP
Net Neutrality Debate
Net Neutrality
Net Positive Solar Projects
Netroots Nation
Netroots Panel on Technology and Democracy
Netroots Rising
Network 23
Network Advocacy Model
Network Capital
Network-centric Innovation
Network-Centric Organization
Network-Centric Warfare
Network Citizens
Network Culture
Network Discrimination
Networked and Participatory Art
Networked Authoritarianism
Networked Book
Networked Clearing Union
Networked Culture
Networked Culture vs.
He mentioned for this reason Patty’s coming-out didn’t turn into as controversial as the episode’s examination of the same-intercourse marriage situation, which was extra sensitive in the nation then. Tabuchi, Hiroko. “Why Japan’s Cellphones Haven’t Gone Global.” New York Times. Daily News. New York. Daily Mail completely. ‘She was never like this before. Women, I’ve found, truly like to present prostate massages. I hope therefore that it would make Uber hand over.’s David Kennerley authorized of the willingness of a “hit community Tv present in prime time, watched by kids and adults” to “serve up such a politically charged concern”. Parents Television Council president L. Brent Bozell III criticized “There’s Something About Marrying” for bringing up the difficulty. John Kenneth White, writer of the ebook Barack Obama’s America, equally known as “There’s Something About Marrying” a cultural barrier breaker. White, John Kenneth (2009). Barack Obama’s America. It had for a long time been hinted on the show that the Smithers character was gay and in love with his boss Mr. Burns. Patty was suspected by followers and the press because she had not usually been seen courting men on the present. University of Michigan Press. The studies additionally discovered that families skilled a type of secondary minority stress, says Jennifer Arm, a counseling graduate student at the University of Memphis.
He stated that this episode proved “Hollywood’s blatant professional-homosexual bias” because regardless of The Simpsons being “usually sort of a wacky animated program” it was not neutral on the issue. Vol. 37, no. 8, Apr. 16-30, 1949 issue. Nothing has modified from when we had been kids::if you wish to go to heaven it’s important to be good. So, though I can’t say there’s nothing quite prefer it available on the market I can say that it in all probability won’t be like something you currently own (and that could be a very good factor). Club wrote that it “wasn’t significantly earth-shattering” however that Marge’s initial reaction offered an excellent twist to the episode. The episode was watched by 10.5 million individuals within the United States, making it the best-rated episode of the sixteenth season of The Simpsons. On the episode’s launch, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation director Damon Romine criticised the depiction of Patty’s fiancée ‘Leslie Robin “Veronica” Swisher’, a parody of trans professional golfer Mianne Bagger, as transphobic, stating that “the ‘reveal’ of Veronica reinforces a dangerous delusion that transgender individuals are trying to deceive or trick us. When Marge dramatically ripped away Veronica’s choker to reveal a bulging Adam’s apple, it seemed funny; but in actual life, such revelations are sometimes adopted by terrible violence. It’s no joke.”.
The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) was welcoming of the episode, calling it “a ray of light”. GLAAD executive director Joan Garry enjoyed seeing Marge’s transformation, from having ambivalent feelings for her sister to then supporting her. Mark Washburn of Knight Ridder wrote that on the time of the episode’s broadcast, most Americans had been accustomed to seeing homosexual characters on tv. Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. However, the Bible texts describes intercourse between Adam & Eve only in Genesis 4:1, in a distinct chapter, after they’ve left Eden. All these have seen whither we were drifting, and have made vigorous protests in line with their lights. Share away! If it’s a praise associated to the aforementioned body stuff, attempt to take the emotions of your partner into consideration. I share with you the feeling that a vote is unwomanly. If a historical Jesus said things like what the gospels report (which isn’t in any respect established), I feel he would vote for Sanders. Christianity was tailor-made as at device to oppress Europeans, so I actually think it is even more destructive to non-Europeans, as even the quite a few European traditions included in Christianity are alien to them.