Among different issues, play regularly confirms the supra-logical nature of our lives, showing that we’re more than merely rational beings. Abstract Economic Rationality
Auber, Olivier
Auction Culture
Audience 2.0
Audience Commodity
Audio Activism
Audio Compression
Audio Files from the Open Hardware Summit 2010
Audio Lunchbox
Audio Podcasts on Commons Economics
Audio-Screen Capturing
Audio Software
Audio-Video Editing
Audio-Video Players
Audio-Video Tagging
AUEB Network Economics and Services Group
Augmented Conferences
Augmented Reality
Augmented Revolution
Augmented Social Cognition
Augmented Social Networks
Augmented Urban Spaces
August Black on GNU Linux and the Political Aspects of the Free Software Movement
A Universal Commons Code of Ethics
Aural Architecture
Aurea Social/es
Aurea Social
Aurora Mixer
Aurore Lalucq
Australian Free Software Association
Austrian Economics
Austrian FunkFeuer To build Free Bridge to Internet in Vienna
Author Addenda
Authoring Society
Authoritarian and Democratic Technics
Authoritarian Blight in Spirituality
Authoritarian Neoliberalism
Authority and Governance as Next Great Internet Disruption
Authority Hysteresis
Authority in Peer Production
Authorization and Governance in Virtual Worlds
Author Pay Model in Open Access Publishing
Authorship Society
Authorship Through Networks
Automated Distribution Systems
Automated Infrastructure
Automatic Character Switch
Automation, Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the long run
Autonomous Cartography
Autonomous Commons
Autonomous Decentralized Enterprise Model
Autonomous Drones
Autonomous Internet Road Map
Autonomous web
Autonomous Internet
Autonomous Open Source Community
Autonomous Politics and its Problems
Autonomous Reputation Framework
Autonomous Research
Autonomous Roadless Intelligent Array
Autonomous Sustainable Research
Autonomous Systems – Internet
Autonomous Tech Collectives
Autonomous Universities and the Making of the Knowledge Commons
Autonomous Universities and the Making Of the Knowledge Commons
Autonomous vs Sponsored Open Source Community
Autonomous vs Systemic Innovation
Autonomy and Control in the Era of Post-Privacy
Autonomy and Horizontalism in Argentina
Autonomy and Self-Organization in the Revolutions of Everyday Life
Autonomy, Labour, and the Political Economy of Social Media
Autonomy-respecting Help
Autonomy Symposium
Autopoetic Systems
Autopromozione Sociale
Avaaz Community Petitions
Avatar Anxiety
Avellano Castella Medieval Democracy Model in Northern Tuscany
Avery Louie on Achieving Research Cost Savings Through DIY Bio
AVR Butterfly Logger
AVR Butterfly MP3
Awakening the ability of Families and Neighborhoods
Awareness Design
AX84 Firefly
Axel Bruns on Communal Publishing
Axel Bruns on Open News, Gatewatching and Open Citizen Journalism
Axel Bruns on Produsage
Axel Bruns
Axel Bruns Vlogs on Produsage
Axel Kistner
Axiological Economics
Axiomatization of Socio-Economic Principles for Self-Organizing Institutions
Ayad Al-Ani on How Free Producers are Changing Enterprise and Politics
Ayah Bdeir on littleBits
Ayah Bdeir
Ayan Mitra
Aymeric Mansoux on GOTO10
Babilim Light Industries
Babylon and Beyond
Babysitting Cooperative
Background on the Icelandic Constitutional Assembly
Background on the Revolution in Egypt
Back within the Box
Back Type
Backyard Biology
Backyard Brains
Badger, Paul
Badges in Social Media
Bad title
Bad Vista Campaign
BaixoSom – BR
Bajwa, Fouad Riaz
Balancing Individualism and Communitarianism
Balasz Bodo on the Social Impact of Online Communities
Bald Ambition
Balkan Computer Congress
Balloon Dog
Balloon License
Banco Bem
Banco Palmas
Band Camp
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication
Bank Debt
Banking Without Banks
Bank of Common Knowledge
Bank of Happiness – Estonia
Bank of the long run
Bankrupting Nature
Banks of Piety
Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo
Barak Obama on the use of Social Media in his Electoral Campaign
Baraniuk, Richard
Barbara Aronson on Open Access to Biomedical Research in Developing Countries
Barbara van Schewick on Internet Architecture and Innovation
Barbrook, Richard
Barca dols Livros – BR
Barca dols Livros
Bar Camp
Barefoot Colleges
Barefoot into Cyberspace
Barnes, Peter
Barriers and Challenges to Personal Manufacturing
Barriers to Co-Creation
Barriers to entry
Barriers to Entry
Barry Bunin, Andrew Hessel, and Jonathan Izant on Open Source Drug Discovery
Barry Stein on the Optimal Size for the Efficiency of Community Enterprises
Barry Wellman on the new Social Network Operating System
Barry Wellman on Twitter as a Case Study of a Networked Social Operating System
Barter-for-Education Communities
Barter Networks
Barter Trade
Basarab Nicolescu on Transdisciplinarity
Basement Interviews
Basement Tapes
Base of the Pyramid
Basic Income and Productivity in Cognitive Capitalism
Basic Income and Stakeholder Grants as Cornerstones for an Egalitarian Capitalism
Basic Income Earth Network
Basic Income Guarantee
Basic Income – Philippe Van Parijs
Basic Income Studies
Basic revenue
Basic Income
Bastard Culture
Bataille du Logiciel Libre
Battle for the Life and sweetness of the Earth
Baugruppen Housing Model
Bauwens, Kleiner, Restakis on Cooperative, Commons-Based Venture Funding
Bauwens, Michele
Bauwens, Michel
Bay Area DIY communities
Bazaar Dynamics
Bazaar Model
Bazaar Voice
Bazzichelli, Tatiana
BBC Go Digital
BBC Horizon Documentation on the Mondragon Experiment
BBC Open Archives News
B Corporations
B Corporation
Beaches – Governance
Beachhead Hypothesis
Beatiful Economics
Beatriz Busaniche
Beatriz Garcia
Beatriz Martins
Beautiful Economics
Because Effect
Because Value Effect
Becoming The Zeitgeist Movement
Bedrijfsleven kampt met digitale generatiekloof
Bedrijfsleven lijdt aan Digitale dyslexie
Beehive Design Collective
Beekeeper Model
Beelden voor de toekomst
Before Writing
Beginning of History
Behavioural Economics
Behrokh Khoshnevis on Automated Construction via Contour Crafting
Being and Technology
Being at dwelling
Being at Home
Being in Common
Belize Open Source
Bells and Spurs
Ben Cerveny on Pervasive Computing
Ben Dyson and Andrew Jackson on Positive Money Reform
Ben Dyson on How Money is Created and the way Banking Works
Ben Dyson on Positive Monetary Reform
Beneath the Metadata
Beneath the University, the Commons
Benedictan Rules as a Hacker Protocol
Beneficial Corporations
Benefit-Driven Production
Benefit Sharing
Benefit Sharing Under the Convention on Biological Diversity
Benefit Society
Benefits of the Second Industrial Revolution vs the benefits of the Third Industrial Revolution
Ben Einstein on Building a Hardware Company
Benevolent Dictator
Ben Goldacre on Why Medicine Research Must be Open
Ben Haggarty on Open Source Storytelling
Benjamin Barber on City-Based Global Governance
Benjamin Chodoroff on the Detroit Digital Justice Coalition
Benjamin Coriat
Benjamin Mako Hill on Defining Freedom
Benjamin Mako Hill on Free Network Services
Benjamin Mako Hill on the State of Wikimedia Scholarship 2008 2009
Benjamin Mako Hill on What Eight Collaborative Encyclopedia Projects Reveal About Mechanisms of Collective Action
Benjamin Tincq
Benjamin Updated
Benkler, Yochai
Ben Knight on How Technology Can Transform Democracy
Ben Moskowitz on Kaltura and the Open Video Alliance
Ben Peters on Why the Soviet Internet Failed
Ben Quinones
Ben Rahn on Online Political Fundraising
Bentley, Nicholas
B Entrepreneurs
Bereikvoordelen in plaats van schaalvoordelen
Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
Berlin because the Capital of the Social Share Economy
Berlin Commons Conference/Final Plenary
Berlin Commons Conference/Participants
Berlin Commons Conference/ProjectVisits
Berlin Commons Conference/SteeringComitteeAndSupportGroup
Berlin Commons Conference
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops/CommoningEnclosure
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops/Crisis
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops/Education
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops/GlobalVillages
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops/Legal Session – Report by Ruth Meinzen-Dick
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops/Legal Session
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops/MergedWorkshop
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops/PolycentricGovernance
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops/Rao
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops/ValueInACommonsEconomy
Berlin Commons Conference/Workshops/Welfare State
Berlin Commons Conference/WorldCafe
Berlin Declaration of Collectively Managed Online Rights
Berliner Gartenkarte
Berlin Hardware Accelerator
Bernard Lietaer Interviewed on a brand new World Currency
Bernard Lietaer on a new Currency for the World
Bernard Lietaer on Complementary Currencies for Social Change
Bernard Lietaer on Currencies for Cooperation
Bernard Lietaer on Human Wealth
Bernard Lietaer on Monetary Democracy
Bernard Lietaer on Money and Sustainability
Bernard Lietaer on New Money for a new World
Bernard Lietaer on Reinventing the Financial System
Bernard Lietaer on the current Crisis and a Resilient Financial System
Bernard Lietaer on the long run of money
Bernard Lietaer on Transforming the Financial System
Bernardo Gutierrez on the worldwide Hispanic P2P WikiSprint Initiative
Bernardo Huberman on Prediction Markets
Bernardo Huberman on Social Attention
Bernard Stiegler and the Question of Technics
Bernard Stiegler on Social Networking As the brand new Political Question
Bernard Stiegler
Berne Convention
Berners-Lee, Tim
Berry, David
Bertram Niessen
Better of Cooperation Lectures
Best of Instructables
Best of Rhizome
Beta Business Models in the brand new World
Beth Kolko on the impact of Hackers and ProduSers on Creativity and Consumerism
Beth Noveck on Open-Sourcing Government
Beth Noveck on Transparent Government
Betsy Taylor
Better At
Better Be Running
Better Means
Better World Radio
Betweenness and Closeness – Indicators
Be Welcome
Beyond Adversary Democracy
Beyond Broadcast 2006
Beyond Broadcasting Summary Video
Beyond Care Childcare Cooperative
Beyond Civilization – The new Tribalism
Beyond Civilization
Beyond Classes
Beyond Commodity
Beyond Digital Inclusion
Beyond Discipline
Beyond Exchange
Beyond Exclusion
Beyond GDP
Beyond Information Abundance
Beyond Jobs
Beyond Labor
Beyond Marx
Beyond Money
Beyond Our Control
Beyond Plutocracy
Beyond Politics
Beyond Privacy
Beyond Scarcity
Beyond Socialism
Beyond State Capitalism: The Commons Economy in our Lifetimes
Beyond State Capitalism:The Commons Economy in our Lifetimes
Beyond TCP/IP
Beyond the Commons
Beyond the PDF 2
Beyond the PDF
Beyond the PLC
Beyond the Profits System
Beyond Tv
Beyond Voting – New York City
Beyond Western Economics
Beyond WikiLeaks
Bia Kud Chum Community Currency System – Thailand
Bibliography Commons
Bibliography for the FLOK Society Transition Project
Bibliography of Michel Bauwens
Bibliography of Remix Culture and Music
Bibliography of the Commons
Bibliography of the Influence of the Internet on Politics and Elections
Bibliography on P2P Intersubjectivity
Bibliography on Peer Production
Bibliography on the Enclosure of Science and Technology
Biblioteca Parque de Manguinhos – BR
Biblioteca Popular de Barracas/es
Biblioteca Popular de Barracas
BIBO Currency Standard
Bicycle Sharing System
Bid and Borrow
Bien Commun 2004
Bien Communs Informationnels
Bien Public Global
Bien Publics a Echelle Mondiale
Bifo and MacKenzie Wark in Conversation
Bifo, Franco Berardi
Bifo on How the Cognitivat Will Lead to an Unprecedented Socio-Cultural and Informational Revolution
Big Barn
Big Blue Saw
Big Brother Bio Farming BBBfarming/es
Big Data, Communities and Ethical Resilience
Big Data
Big Games Podcasts
Big Games
Big Man Group
Big Mashup
Big Shift Index
Big Shift
Big Society Network (UK)
Big Society
Big Switch
Bijoy Goswami on Social Capital vs.
When the State, the legislators, has given to itself, the politicians, the utter and absolute management of the opportunity to live; when, by this treasured monopoly, already the market of labor is so overstocked that workmen and workwomen are slicing each others’ throats for the dear privilege of serving their lords; when women are shipped from Boston to the south and north, shipped in carloads, like cattle, to fill the dives of new Orleans or the lumber-camp hells of my own state (Michigan), when seeing and listening to this stuff reported on daily basis, the proper prudes exclaim, “Why don’t the women depart?,” they simply beggar the language of contempt. That relationships are solely as good as the trouble we put into them. We transfer from the multiplicity of beings contained in every of us (and in our surprisingly punful words) to the concept that there isn’t any must count sheep (rams and ewes) to put myself to sleep, since there are plenty of me’s I can rely, and if that fails, poems like mine will do the trick. Put somewhat lube or coconut oil around your nipples.
Search for one thing that requires little more than a quick rinse with mild cleaning soap and water. Gabriele Froböse, Rolf Froböse, Michael Gross (Translator): Lust and Love: Is it More than Chemistry? These documents turn out to be a “loose” canon revealing the open secret that the story, purportedly intact and monumentalized, has an aversion to the opposite versions of it which might be still in the act of becoming. Shit, there are plenty web sites on the market that display the way to do it, and it’s sure as hell cheaper than the choice. And then there are the puns. Puns are all about change, the intelligent flip of phrase. The puns get so dizzying one wonders whether the Normopath on the “Post Orifice” is a jibe at that crowing Nobodaddy, Norman Mailer. At any rate, the Normopath is a monster (in all that word’s etymological and vernacular prodigality, which incorporates Lady Gaga’s name for her groupies) who commands, “Devour yourself,” perverting every part in his path by insisting it becomes self-consumable. Regardless of the report that he belonged to an aristocratic Southern family of reduced monetary circumstances, most of the ladies who paid him attention were aware of his lack of breeding. The time has come for a e book like this to command the eye of medical men, since now an awakened public calls for from them, as the conservers of life and the administrators of physiological dwelling, explicit directions in every thing pertaining to the physician’s calling, not omitting the intimate, intricate, long taboo and disdained particulars of sex life and procreation.
Note: It’s essential to wash your gadgets both earlier than and after sex. Ditto, the metaphor of sex as a meat-grinder: as soon as the blood sausage has been let out of its casing, we’re less apt to squirm and squeal at the next gonzo gross-out session, and Glenum should resort to the shock of repetition. Instead of being confined to any genre, the satiric mixed-bag of tropes each excessive and low congeal however never wholly gel, tripping out and gushing up into lubricious semiotic and clitoral mucilage. Listed below are a couple of examples, pulled out of a paragraph-block chosen at random on web page 32: “auntie.Climax.” . Notes: If you do not care for puns, it is a page it’s best to have skipped or possibly already did. Now go and arrange a get-collectively and have some fun. It is making it inconceivable for us to cease and ask questions which we’ve by no means requested before. Once the mythic metamorphosis has been set in movement, no one can cease its contamination: the juridical, phallologocentric narrative is contravened by the hidden “testimony”(punning on testes) of the ballsy Queen, whose diaristic jottings are an écriture feminine, which comes because the book’s standing ovation and, maybe, stand-in for ovulation.